Mistake number one of mine today was heading into town to a department store via the holiday season right at our toes. I was already feeling very tired and cranky, and so in hopes of saving my sanity I skipped Walmart and headed to what is usually my safe haven, Target. The second I entered the store I knew we needed to stick to our list and bolt as quick as possible. It was wall to wall holiday shopper madness! I quickly found myself wishing that it was legal to carry around Jonah's turbo nerf gun and just aim it at anyone in my path. People don't care anymore. It has become an every man for himself society.
At first I'm always patient. I stand there for a few minutes waiting calmly for the inconsiderate individuals to move out of my way. Then I have to change my tone. "Excuse me! Can I please get by?" This is what really kills me, "Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there." What! You didn't notice me? The person standing here staring down the back of your head with a screaming baby on my hip and a seven year old dancing circles around the cart!!
And what is it with Jonah's need to touch everything! Everything! Everywhere we go it is the same. There is not a single surface he does not put his hands on. Prior to entering the store we had the H1N1 pep talk about not touching anything during this cold and flu season. Did it work? Nope! That would be listening. Touch, touch, touch, and more touching. If he's not touching something he is usually spinning on the floor or lagging behind gawking at some item that he needs just one more second to examine.
I plan to do all of my holiday shopping online or during the week to avoid any future urges to pull out Jonah's nerf gun! The Holidays are here!