We have security! After weighing all of our options ADT came and installed our security system Monday. When the installer arrived I was immediately feeling uncomfortable. For whatever reason my stomach was in knots and I felt as if something was just not right. I couldn't figure out if it was just simply the fear of the whole situation with my husband leaving becoming more and more of a reality, or the fact that the installer looked like he just stepped out of an episode of America's Most Wanted. I quickly started thinking the worst. Kevin felt fine about the events so I tried to relax once everything was installed and the installer was out of my house and on his way.
The next morning I walked into the kitchen to inspect the work. Now keep in mind that my husband was suppose to oversee this work as it was taking place. When I turned the corner to the top of my basement steps I was far from pleased with what I saw! The phone jack cover they had installed on the back side of our wall was way to wide to allow us access to our pull down attic door. Not only that, but there was now a very large obnoxious hole filled with silicone in my wall. I was immediately on the phone with my husband and the ADT rep.
Our ADT reps solution was to come over and create a bigger hole shoving the phone jack into the wall as to allow us access to our attic. What! I don't think so! His second solution was to cover everything with a metal plate. Wow! A metal plate. Why didn't I think of that. I mean that would make my wall look so much better!!
So, the solution is that we don't have a solution at this point. Regardless of the hole, we now have security to help us sleep better at night when Kevin leaves. I will no longer have to go searching for my bread knife when I hear a strange noise in the middle of the night. Ok, I'm lying. I will most likely still sleep with it next to the bed. Who am I really kidding! Kevin honey, you can now sleep peacefully in Iraq knowing that ADT is watching over us. Although like me I know you won't.