Anyone who has been in my home knows that I have a strict rule about shoes off in the house. To me there is nothing dirtier than the bottom of a shoe. If you don't believe me just retrace your steps for a couple of days and then I have no doubt you'll agree. Parking lots, public restroom floors, gas spills at the gas pump, animal feces, etc. If you want those kind of germs in your home that's fine, but when you are in mine they can stay outside where they belong.
I became OCD about this after the birth of Jonah. Kids live on the floor. Jonah at six years old is still on the floor in some capacity everyday. Gracie at 5 months old is on the floor all day everyday, and is usually putting her mouth on it as well. Most people are very respectful of the shoes off request, but then I always have the select few who just don't get it. I have a sign on my front door with a very simple request to kindly remove your shoes in respect of the little hands in our home. Despite this I still have the occasional guest that thinks it does not apply to them as if their shoes are somehow the exception to the rule. In Asian cultures you would not dream of entering the home with your shoes on. Why is it ok in ours?
If you need more reassurance as to what's on the bottom of your shoes and why you should re-think allowing them to remain on in your home check out the following link filled with shoe germ facts. Shoes at the door please!