Jonah celebrated his 7th Birthday today with family & friends Captain Underpants style. Jonah and his cousin Noah battled in the yard with plungers bought special for the occasion. Aside from the plungers the boys were armed with whoopie cushions, silly string, water grenades, & water guns. Jonah said it was the best birthday ever. I hear this statement every year and always wonder if I can make next year the best birthday ever once again. Somehow we always seem to make it memorable and fun. It's not everyday you get to decorate the house with underwear and pass out silly name tags like; Poopsie Toiletchunks & Loopy Wafflenose.
Every time the house is filled with the noise of family & friends I am so thankful for the yearly celebration of a birthday. We are all so busy with our day to day that it is fun to make the time to get together and fill your day with pizza, cheetos, cookies, candy, and ice cream cake. We are very blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives! Happy early birthday to my little booger monster!