Our weekend included a trip to the local pumpkin patch. The first thing Jonah wanted to do was the corn maze. Thirty minutes into the maze I started to worry if we would make it out. I had visions of sitting on the path nursing Gracie as we waited for help. We eventually made it through, and then it was off to search for pumpkins. Who knew they would charge a small fortune for pumpkin picking. $20 for a pumpkin was not in the family budget. I distracted Jonah by offering up a trip to town to purchase his Halloween costume with the money saved. I know what you're thinking, I'm a mean penny pinching Mom! We went for a pumpkin and came home empty handed! I know! I know already! I felt just awlful about it after we left. We still had a fun morning looking through the patch and exploring the maze. Gracie enjoyed it for all of ten minutes and decided a nap sounded better to her as you can tell by her sleepy eyes in the photo. It's always an adventure!
Walmart Sells Pumpkins Any Size For $4.00!!