Friday, July 24, 2009

Confirmation That I Should Never Leave The House

Yesterday we ran to town to run a few errands, and on a whim decided to swing by my old job and have lunch with a few friends. Everything was going along just great, and I had even ordered a beer in my attempt to bask in this rare moment. Two sips into my beer and food not even on the table Gracie lost it. I don't mean a little fussing, I mean full blown painfully scared cries. Nothing I tried would console her. She was not letting up, and it was only getting worse by the second. Everyone in the restaurant was staring at this point, and I can clearly see that this lunch is over.

So my amazing friends helped me scrape up all of our belongings and exit the restaurant. My friend Kim stated on the way out, "Don't worry Gracie we never have to go back there." It's so true that she most likely remembers all the smells and stress associated with that place from being in utero. After sitting in the parking lot for another thirty minutes trying to console her, she finally gave up the fight and fell asleep. Two hours later she was back to being the happy girl we love.

As much as I always think that a change of scenery would be good for her, any attempt always seems to end in a mad rush to get back home to her comfort zone. Babies like routine and even the slightest disruptions from that can send them into a state of panic. I realize that it won't always be this difficult to leave the house, and she won't always rely on the comfort of her routine. Before I know it she will be six like her brother and will be begging me to leave the house. So in the meantime we will continue to attempt the occasional outing, but for the most part I think we'll stay right here at home. We love visitors so come visit anytime. Just make sure you call first. You know me, I don't answer the door if I'm not expecting you!!