It Burns! It Burns! Those are the words we hear every time Gracie accidentally touches Jonah followed by screams and Jonah running from the room. Up until now Jonah has wanted absolutely nothing to do with his sister. With Kevin in the field this week Jonah, Gracie, and I find ourselves spending a lot of time together. Last night I put Gracie in the Jumperoo for the first time and Jonah was equally excited. He sat there on the living room floor talking away to her. "Look at this Gracie., Do you want to bounce Gracie?, Gracie do you want it louder?, Hey Gracie do you like this?" It was too cute! He looked at me and said, "Ok fine, I like her." So tonight it got even better when he was wanting me to cut him some peaches. I told him that he would have to hold his sister if he wanted peaches, and after some initial hesitation he did it! I couldn't believe it. I ran to get the camera to capture this rare moment as quickly as I could, and before he changed his mind and dropped her. It only took four months and some serious summer boredom for Jonah to admit to loving his sister!