Dude (aka Mama)! I've seen hot chicks and trust me they do not look like you! When did my six year old turn into a teenager? Hearing about hot chicks is something I was hoping not to have to deal with for at least ten more years. Personally I blame tv and the fact that yes he most likely watches way too much. The Disney channel is now filled with shows like Hannah Montana, ICarly, & Wizards of Waverly Place just to name a few. If you happen to catch an episode from any of the above you'd probably find yourself removing all televisions from the house. Unfortunately my husband is totally against this idea or else trust me it would have been done long ago. I mean what would happen if he couldn't watch all of his shows as well! Shows like, Dirty Jobs, Myth Busters, Deadliest Catch, & Man Versus Food.
Imagine for a minute what your world would be like without tv. We would be forced to read books, play games, eat at the dinner table, go for walks, & talk to each other. I know that's a lot to take in! Getting off of our asses and using our brains. Imagine how your family would be changed. It's pretty overwhelming to think about. Life without technology. In ten more years I can only imagine what we are in for.
On a recent family vacation to my inlaws it only confirmed to me the impact that tv has had on the family unit. The tv never went off the entire visit. We only see this part of the family once a year, and the tv never went off! This quickly drove me insane. We drove fourteen hours in the car to visit with family just to get there and watch tv! What has happen to families? No one knows how to talk to one another anymore.
Husbands and wives don't even go to bed together anymore. One is either passed out in front of the tv or asleep with one of the kids. Remember back to when you were dating. The tv rarely came on, and you always went to bed together. Trust me even if there were kids involved as there were when Kevin and I dated, you always found a way to make it to bed together. What would that feel like to find that intimacy with your spouse again. To lay in bed together at night and giggle and talk. Fall asleep holding hands. Just the two of you talking and connecting like you used too.
This year I plan to work hard on bringing my family out from in front of the tv and back to each other. With Kevin's second deployment right at our heels all of the lost family moments to the tv have really started to show themselves. I may never get these moments back with my family, and when I look back I sincerely doubt that I'll be thankful for that hour I spent watching the newest episode of Jon & Kate Plus 8. Jonah might not agree right now, but someday when he has married that hot chick he talks about and has a couple children of his own he will understand completely.