Jonah turns 7 on the 20th of October. His current favorite chapter book series is Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey. It is a very funny series of books that keeps him laughing and laughing. He is always anxious to ride his bike to the library to see if they have a new one on the shelf that he hasn't read. When we started tossing around birthday party ideas for his upcoming 7th birthday it was not a surprise to me when he requested a Captain Underpants themed party.
Tonight we sat down together on the couch to google some Captain Underpants cake ideas. We were coming up empty handed and I anticipate I will be creating this underwear superhero cake from scratch. In one final attempt at an idea Jonah said, "just try typing in underwear." Ok I admit this was not my finest mommy moment. It was late, I was tired, and I should have anticipated what type of results I might get typing underwear cake into google. On the first link I clicked on Jonah was wide eyed with anticipation as the page loaded. Needless to say, the results were not child friendly. It was all I could do but laugh and laugh. Jonah's response had me crying tears of laughter. "I wasn't expecting that Mama! A hot girl body in a bikini and bra huh Mama! We can have that for your birthday k Mama."
A superhero in his underwear! I can only imagine what his 8th birthday will bring.