Today an incredible odor is seeping from Jonah's room. At first I was blaming him. It wouldn't be the first time a strong odor has made it's way from Jonah. All throughout the evening every time I made my way to his room the smell was overwhelming. After Jonah had showered and climbed into bed I couldn't take it anymore. I started tearing apart his room in search of a dead mouse to possibly explain this odor. Flashlight in hand I went to work searching every nook and cranny. Nothing. I can't find anything. I resorted to lighting candles which only made it worse. The smell is everywhere. It is definitely something dead. Now how do I find it?
This mystery smell sent me on a cleaning frenzy at 11 at night. I cloroxed the entire bathroom, scrubbed down the kitchen, vacuumed, & started washing everything. Mousetraps are on my agenda for tomorrow as I would not be surprised if I had a few visitors aside from the dead one as the weather starts to get cooler.
Yes I vaccum everyday. Truth be told usually twice. Maybe that explains Gracie's love for the vaccum. The mystery odor..........to be continued.