Jonah is terrified of all bugs. He is fascinated by them, but terrified all the same. If he sees a bug in any size, shape, or form he screams a blood clenching scream at the top of his lungs. This scream always sends me running to see who is hurt or who has died. When I arrive to discover that the scream was produced by a fly that had just landed on him, I shake my head and laugh in disbelief. I thought little boys were suppose to smash bugs with their bare hands. Stomp on them until they are specs on their shoes. Tear them apart and inspect the results with a magnifying glass. Well, when it comes to my little boy none of the above apply.
If you find your self driving by our home and you see a six year old running around the yard with a fly swatter there is no need to do a double take. It is an actual daily event at our home. Jonah loves nothing more than spending his outside time swatting any and all bugs that cross his path. Locust are his "arch enemy" to quote him. He is terrified of them. Our yard is filled with hundreds of these dead creatures belly up all over the yard. Jonah is convinced that they are in fact not dead and he takes drastic measures to avoid any confrontations with them at all times.
If you questioned his use of fly swatters outside his response would be his new favorite, "It's a man thing Mama, you wouldn't understand." Somehow I don't think that running around the yard with a fly swatter and screaming at the top of your lungs over a gnat qualifies as a "man thing." But, what do I know. I'm only the Mom!