Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Where Do I Go From Here?
I apologize as I've been on a hiatus from writing since Kevin left. Our lives were flipped upside down in one quick motion and I find myself saying, "Now What?" Everything changes as we recompose our daily routine and our lives adjusting to life without Daddy. Hitting the week mark was one of the most difficult days for us. Knowing that it had only been a week with so many more lying ahead of us felt very heavy on all of our hearts. Despite all of the hardship that deployment brings, it does bring some good in all of the bad. It makes you appreciate and value each other and your family. It makes all of the little things that you used to worry over seem microscopic and insignificant. It allows you to love one another in a way that few people will ever get to experience. For these things I am thankful. You may find me here less as I find my feet again. My five minutes of Mommy time have now upon the absence of Kevin become more like three! I'm taking it day by day.