Thursday, September 10, 2009

When I grow up I want to be a millionaire.

Jonah is obsessed with money. Everything he talks about relates to money in one way or another. He has to know how much it costs with tax included, and then he wants to know what he has to do to reach that financial goal. He spends hours reconfiguring his latest want list on the computer. Calculating his price totals in his attempt to make it affordable to purchase everything he wants. If I skip one of his allowance payments you better believe that he has a running tally going in his head.

Jonah is also always trying to sell something to anyone who crosses his path to add to his personal wealth. His latest venture is selling cow skulls that he gets from his Papa's farm. Jonah's opening statement anywhere we go is, "Do you want to buy my cow head?" No one has taken him up on this yet. He is also quite the expert at convincing other children to purchase miscellaneous toys from him. He came home from school telling me how he had sold several tattoos for five cents each, and a Lego piece for a quarter. I quickly informed him that selling things at school was probably not ok with the principal, and that he would have to limit his selling to e-bay and craigslist.

His obsession with money can most likely be blamed on me. I have always been very open about money and what things cost. I was a single mom when Jonah was young, and I had to be very clear with him as to why there were a lot of things we had to do without. I appreciate the fact that now if I say he can't have the latest $80 toy that he looks and me and says, "You're right. What a rip off!"

Understanding money and wanting more of it may not be what every six year old spends hours worrying about, but I have no doubt that Jonah will be successful and achieve all of his money goals with this passion. It was no surprise to me when yesterday he brought home a packet from school labeled, "All About Me," where on the what do you want to be when you grow up page Jonah wrote Millionaire. Our little money man!