Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Daddy's Home!

Daddy's home! Something about saying those words sets the whole house in a spin of excitement. Everyone can't wait to see Daddy, and Mama can't wait to have some help to get through the rest of the night. I have heard many Moms talk about the late afternoon hours waiting for Dad to get home being the worst hours of the day. I agree completely! They call this time of day for newborns the witching hour. For us Moms it's simply called survival hour! Poor Daddy walks into the house after a long day and everyone attacks. The kids can't wait to jump all over him and get some Daddy time, and Mama can't wait to have a minute alone for a quick breathe. They wait for him on the bed as he changes clothes, they peek under the bathroom door as he goes to the restroom, and they wait patiently squeezing between his legs as he kisses and hugs Mama. It's amazing the element that one more person adds to a household. It can go from quiet to chaos within seconds. There is no greater feeling than that love whether your a Dad or a Mom coming home from a long day. Opening the door to a household of people who can't wait to get their hands on you and share with you how much they missed you and love you.